

We can show all you need to tell!

You learn so much in kindergarten. Consider the simple tradition of “show and tell.” It taught you about your classmates: who they were, what they valued, how they presented it. It taught you about yourself: what you valued and wanted to share, how to best share it, how others reacted to your message.

We love sophisticated imagery. But we know pictures work for you much as visual aids work for five year olds: They show the story you need to tell.

For us, photography is not window dressing. It is the window. It doesn’t decorate the message. It delivers it. Imagery is not an afterthought. It’s integral to all we do.

We specialize in documentary-style photography that shows both the breadth and the telling details of your story. We produce pictures that show the integrity of people, products and places.

We lean toward telling tales with natural light, natural poses and natural situations. But we’re prepared and experienced with sophisticated lighting, camera, posing and post-production techniques when you need different production styles.

Know, too, that we don’t stand for just stills. We understand sequencing: in video, animation and slide shows. We know what we can handle in house, when to call in specialists and whom to call.

Whether you need head shots that are shoulders above others, a complicated advertising production or a half-hour documentary for your annual meeting, we can show all you need to tell.